Game of Life

Built with 🦀🕸 by The Rust and WebAssembly Working Group
## About This template is designed for depending on NPM packages that contain Rust-generated WebAssembly and using them to create a Website. * Want to create an NPM package with Rust and WebAssembly? [Check out `wasm-pack-template`.]( * Want to make a monorepo-style Website without publishing to NPM? Check out [`rust-webpack-template`]( and/or [`rust-parcel-template`]( ## 🚴 Usage ``` npm init wasm-app ``` ## 🔋 Batteries Included - `.gitignore`: ignores `node_modules` - `LICENSE-APACHE` and `LICENSE-MIT`: most Rust projects are licensed this way, so these are included for you - ``: the file you are reading now! - `index.html`: a bare bones html document that includes the webpack bundle - `index.js`: example js file with a comment showing how to import and use a wasm pkg - `package.json` and `package-lock.json`: - pulls in devDependencies for using webpack: - [`webpack`]( - [`webpack-cli`]( - [`webpack-dev-server`]( - defines a `start` script to run `webpack-dev-server` - `webpack.config.js`: configuration file for bundling your js with webpack ## License Licensed under either of * Apache License, Version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or at your option.